Gladskin is a skincare brand that specializes in developing products for individuals with sensitive or problematic skin conditions. Unlike traditional skincare solutions, Gladskin incorporates a unique and innovative ingredient known as Staphefekt™, which is derived from the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus).
Custom Theme Development
Speed and Performance Optimization
Custom Feature Development
Bug Fixing and Troubleshooting
Date09 Jan 2023
The continuous improvement and enhancement of the Gladskin website through ongoing maintenance and optimization tasks. Also migrated their theme to Shopify 2.0 architecture and meta fields.
Ongoing maintenance and optimization of Gladskin's website including:
Improvement in speed and performance of website.
Subscription program to generate recurring revenue for a replenish-able products.
Increase in conversion rate of roughly 40%.
Increase in customer lifetime value of 83%.
Decrease in bounce rate of blogs of 28%.